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11 partners join Enedis’s aVEnir project, to foster e-mobility rollout on a massive scale
On September 25th, 2019, 11 industrial and academic partners – Groupe Renault, Groupe PSA, Schneider Electric, Total EV Charge, Groupe EDF (subsidy IZIVIA), Dreev, GIREVE, Trialog, Electric 55 Charging, Université Grenoble Alpes, Aix Marseille Université – joined Enedis, the public energy distribution network to implement the aVEnir project. The project aims at fostering e-mobility on the French territory and prepare mass-scale development.

The aVEnir project will support e-mobility development by experiencing different types of interactions between the energy network, charging stations and electric vehicles, looking at technological, economic, sociological and legal aspects.
The project will be implemented on two French territories.
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