51,243 charging points open to the public in France according to the recharging barometer of AVERE France and the Ministry of Ecology based on Gireve data.

France: 51,243 charging points open to the public

As the transition to electric mobility goes on, a growing need of charging infrastructure development follow-up appears. Following the evolution is necessary to foster EV market rollout. The Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition and Avere-France association gathered with GIREVE for a monthly joint publication of EV charging infrastructure, with reliable and transparent indicators to help follow the evolution. As of November 31st, 2021, there are 51,243 charging points open to the public in France, a growth by + 57% since the beginning of the year.

We have met the threshold of 50,000 charging points: there are now 51,243 charging points in France, an increase of 1,329 charging points over the past month and by 57% since the beginning of the year. This is a proof that e-mobility stakeholders are now fully involved in deploying charging infrastructures. This is mostly visible on highways, and today more that half highway stations offer charging points. It is a prerequisite to facilitate EV use on long trips. Cécile Goubet, General Secretary of Avere-France

Read AVERE’s full barometer (French)

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