Eric Plaquet, CEO of GIREVE, will give a keynote speech on the MOBILIZE stand on June 18 at the Viva technology event. He will present how GIREVE’s digital ecosystem makes electromobility possible throughout Europe.
A Key note speak with GIREVE and MOBILIZE (Renault Goup.)
The Keynote of June 18 will be held on the Mobilize stand with the participation of Eric PLAQUET; CEO of GIREVE and Nicolas SCHOTTEY, CEO of MOBILIZE Solutions.
Mobilize manages mobility, energy, and data services. It is part of Renault Group. Built around open ecosystems, Mobilize provides flexible mobility solutions and promotes a sustainable energy transition, in line with Renault Group’s target to reach carbon neutrality and its ambition to develop value from the circular economy.
Renault Group, historic shareholder of GIREVE, has supported the company since its launch. It was obvious for MOBILIZE to invite GIREVE, a central digital player in the world of electric mobility, to speak at this major event dedicated to new technologies.
To find out more about MOBILIZE, click here.
Digital infrastructure for electric vehicle charging at the Major New Technologies Show in Paris
GIREVE is the digital infrastructure that has been enabling exchanges between electric vehicles and charging stations throughout Europe for almost 10 years. GIREVE is positioned at core of the sector’s exchanges thanks to 3 complex technologies: a marketplace, an interoperability platform and a European directory of electric vehicle charging points in Europe.
To learn more click here