En ce début 2021, le déploiement des infrastructures de recharge repart à la hausse

31.206 charging points are open and available to the public in France – February 2021

31.206 charging points are open and available to the public in France as of February 2021. The development of charging infrastructures is increasing again. The number of charging points on the territory has increased by 8% since November 2020 and by 1,2% over the last month. In order to reach the objective of 100,000 charging points by the end of the year, this dynamic will need reinforcement though. Quality of charging networks are also at stake, as states the AFIREV‘s last report (FR)

In November 2020 when we published our last barometer, France gathered less than 30,000 charging points. A step has been reached, though the objective of 100,000 charging points is still far away.  Whether we reach it or not, this objective will gather all stakeholders of e-mobility and will generate a significant increase of the number of charging points in France. Then, more than the number of charging points, the quality of service has to be a priority. In addition to maintenance and high quality of service, the most important thing is to always have a charging station where it is needed. Cécile Goubet, Secretary General of the French Electric Mobilty Development Association AVERE-France

Accelerated charging (14-22 kW) remains the major type of charging available, representing 68% of the total. Fast charging remains stable despite the high demand of this type of power by EV drivers driving long journeys. Most charging points in France deliver AC charging.

Read the full barometer (in French)

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