A Collaboration To Set Up Formal OCPI Management Organization

Figure 1: Kick off meeting of the OCPI Management Board. From left to right: Elbert Lievense (E.ON), Dr. Andreas Pfeiffer (E.ON), Arnaud Mora (Freshmile), Kor Meelker (Allego), Onno Ceelen (EVBox), Roland Ferwerda (NKL), Michel Bayings (NKL), Jean-Marc Rives (GIREVE), Jacob van Zonneveld (Plugsurfing)

A collaboration to set up formal OCPI Management Organization GIREVE is happy to join the first OCPI Management Board. In the coming 12 months, this transformation board will work together to create a formal management organization and guidelines to ensure the professional development of the OCPI (Open Charge Point Interface) protocol for EV roaming. After […]